Hey everyone! First post and review in 2024 has to start on a high, right? I've been looking forward to ASAP by Axie Oh since it was announced, because I adored XOXO and couldn't wait for another adorable story from Axie! This ended up being the ... Read the Post...
Book Review | The Name Drop by Susan Lee
Today’s review is for a super adorable read, The Name Drop by Susan Lee. I’ve had Seoulmates by Susan Lee since it was released in the UK but hadn’t managed to read it yet, after reading The Name Drop though I’m planning on picking it up as soon as ... Read the Post...
Book Review | The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon
Today's review is for The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon, a Southeast Asia-inspired fantasy with a great dose of Reylo added in. Ever since I first saw the book announcement for The Hurricane Wars, even before the stunning covers were revealed, ... Read the Post...
Book Review | Never a Hero by Vanessa Len
Today I'm sharing a review for the sequel to one of my favourite 2022 releases, Only a Monster by Vanessa Len. Never a Hero was a wild ride of a story and I loved it so much, it was a fantastic addition to the Monsters world and made me love it ... Read the Post...
Book Review | Guardians of Dawn: Zhara by S. Jae-Jones
Hey loves! Today I'm sharing my review for Guardians of Dawn: Zhara by S. Jae-Jones, which is a book I'd been very excited for since the beautiful cover was announced, and I'm happy to say I absolutely adored it! This story was fairly cheesy (but ... Read the Post...
Book Review | Her Radiant Curse by Elizabeth Lim
Hey loves! Today I'm back with another episode of 'Elizabeth Lim made me cry with her gorgeous world-building and story telling', see: Spin the Dawn, Unravel the Dusk, Six Crimson Cranes and The Dragon's Promise reviews for past examples of ... Read the Post...
Book Review | And Break the Pretty Kings by Lena Jeong
Today's review is for And Break the Pretty Kings by debut author Lena Jeong, a Korean-inspired fantasy I'd been excited to read since I saw the announcement for the book deal! I got the chance to take part in Lena's stream team for this book, and ... Read the Post...
Book Review | Ebony Gate by Julia Vee and Ken Bebelle
Today's review is for Ebony Gate, a book I had my eye on as soon as I saw the gorgeous cover reveal alongside 'John Wick meets dragon magic', what's not to love about that? Safe to say I wasn't disappointed in the least, I truly enjoyed this first ... Read the Post...
Upcoming | 10 Fantasy Debut Books to Preorder!
Hey loves! So, it's been a very long time since I did a post about upcoming releases, but there are a few books that I really wanted to shout about! The books on this list are all debut fantasy stories, and all but one are the start to ... Read the Post...
Book Review | Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Even if you've just stumbled onto Bookstagram or BookTok for a second, you've probably seen at least one mention of Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. I must have seen it about 500 times before I had chance to pick up my copy, and alongside many ... Read the Post...