So YALC is just over a month away now and, having seen Amy post about her YALC books, I figured it’d be cool to show you all how I’ll probably be breaking my back!
It’s not a secret that I have a problem, but in all honesty piling up my books ready for YALC almost gave me a heart attack. The books you’ll find in the post are the books I have after choosing not to take some duplicates (I might change my mind before but I’ll be 100% getting a wrap-up post up after, so you can see the damage for yourself then).
I’m splitting this into two sections — books I’ve read and… books that I should probably be murdered for since I haven’t read them already.
Books Read
So there is a grand total of seven* books I’ve already read on my YALC pile so far! I really enjoyed these reads and I’m looking forward to meeting the authors massively, especially Kristen Ciccarelli, Adrienne Young and Renée Adhieh as I didn’t think I’d be lucky enough to meet them unless I headed to the States for a book convention at some point!
- Heartstopper Volume 1 by Alice Oseman – I adored this quick little read and I’m so excited for the next book! (Obviously I’ll also be taking that with me…)
- The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli – I wholeheartedly adored this read because of the Toothless-like dragon!
- Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young – One of my favourite reads from 2018 so of course I’m super excited to meet Kristen! Thanks to Beth I’ve also read TGtSGB already since she let me borrow her copy
- Other Words for Smoke by Sarah Maria Griffin – I quite enjoyed this read, the witchy elements in particular. But mostly because of Bobby the huge cat.
- Viper by Bex Hogan – Pirate books are always a win with me
- Flame in the Mist by Renée Adhieh – I really liked this story, the Japanese elements were so awesome
- The Chosen by Taran Matharu – Dinosaurs. Thank you and goodbye.
*Side note – let’s pretend I remembered to grab The Chosen off my bookcase prior to taking this photo! It was nestled up with my dinosaur books.
Books I Still Need to Read…
Okay so I know a couple of these will have people like “Whatttt?” but yes, I desperately need to read these! If someone could just stop time for a month I think I could get round to them all as well as upcoming blog tours I’m on!
In all depressing seriousness though, I’ll probably only just manage a couple of these before YALC. A few are very high at the top of my priority TBR list though:
- The Quiet at the End of the World by Lauren James – Because I adored The Loneliest Girl in the Universe so much
- Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan – Because a) I have three copies of this and b) I’ve heard so so many awesome things about it
- Smoke in the Sun by Renée Adhieh – I started reading this a while back but I was in a bad place so couldn’t finish it, all is well now though and I’m excited to see where the duology went!
- The Caged Queen by Kristen Ciccarelli – Because I loved The Last Namsara so much
Are you going to YALC?
Will you, also, break your back?
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Susan says
You can doooooo it! And even if you don’t? Have a blast!