So I think it's fair so say that if it involves magic or fantasy in some way, I'm going to be a fan. That is no different for me when it comes to the Witcher franchise. I love Witcher 3 on Xbox One and I've recently started listing to The Last Wish ... Read the Post...
Book Review | Everless by Sara Holland
Title: Everless Series: Untitled #1 Author: Sara Holland Publisher: Orchard Books Release Date: 4th January 2018 Source: Digital ARC from NetGalley Rating: ★★★★★ Goodreads Goodreads Synopsis: 'In the kingdom of Sempera, time is ... Read the Post...
A Christmas Gift Guide for Potterheads
As a definitive Potterhead (Ravenclaw, by the way), I wanted to share some gift ideas for the Potterheads in your life. This guide is for buying for fellow hardcore fans, it's the best things hidden on Etsy and other places that will make their ... Read the Post...
OwlCrate Unboxing November 2017 | Castles, Courts and Kingdoms
Recently I mentioned that I've regained my love for reading, especially with regards to young adult fantasy. But one thing I absolutely had to try when I saw them on Instagram was a book subscription box. I had my eye on two - FairyLoot (UK based) ... Read the Post...
Book Review | Sarah Knight’s Self Help Books
Today, I want to talk about the books by Sarah Knight. I found out about these whilst travelling to Barcelona, I spotted 'Get Your Sh*t Together' at the airport and was too intrigued not to get it. The second of her books, this talks about how to ... Read the Post...
Regaining My Love for Reading
When I was younger, I used to read until stupid o'clock in the morning and have barely any sleep before school. That was especially the case when reading Harry Potter but I haven't really been reading for the last couple of years. I definitely wanted ... Read the Post...
DinoFalls Adventure Golf, Trafford
DinoFalls Adventure Golf opened up at Trafford Golf Centre last month and even though I'm almost 24, I had to go for the sake of seeing the dinosaur displays! We spent a good hour there, and the holes very definitely fun to play (I won't tell you ... Read the Post...
A Last Minute Holiday to Tenerife
Last week I went on a holiday to Tenerife, staying in Los Cristianos at the Suites at Beverly Hills. It was great to finally get some real warmth and sunshine and we had the chance to go on a couple of great trips there too. The first trip on Tuesday ... Read the Post...
A Trip to Chester Zoo
I've never been one to hold back on how much I love a trip to Chester Zoo, and I try to go once a year if I can do (I usually can't go more than that, as the day usually ends at Cheshire Oaks and I have the lowest willpower of anyone ever). Anyway, ... Read the Post...
A Weekend In London 26-29th May
If you follow any of my social media accounts, you'll have seen that I spent the last weekend in London for my boyfriend's birthday. It's been such a fun trip (with lots of walking though, my feet are hating me right now) and we even the chance to ... Read the Post...