Yesterday we had the arrival of our pet jellyfish from Not your average pet by any means but I just wanted to share with you how cute and relaxing they are! We ordered the Blue Blubber Jellyfish Starter Pack (which comes with 4 ... Read the Post...
Entwistle Reservoir, Bolton
Our last trip to Entwistle Reservoir now was back in January (this year has flown by) but we visited again on Sunday to take advantage of the sunshine. I had my Nikkor 40mm f/2.8G lens with me this time, as opposed to my lens which is better ... Read the Post...
Hama Bead Art Projects
One of my big loves when it comes to being crafty is by far making art with Hama beads. If you're aware of what Hama beads are, there is a big chance right now you're imagining cartoon looking cars or other things like that, probably made by little ... Read the Post...
Bolton Wanderers vs. Peterborough, BWFC Promotion
Today I went to watch BWFC play against Peterborough, and win a promotion. I only had my newly fixed Nikkor 40mm f/2.8G Lens, which isn't really a lens suited for sports photography (managed to forget my zoom lens) but I made the most of it anyway ... Read the Post...
6 Ways to Make Your CV Stand Out
My last job involved helping people move closer to work, part and parcel of this was looking at CVs to check if they were alright for applications. Here's the thing: if you're struggling to get interviews then there's a high chance that something is ... Read the Post...
Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona is a city I've always wanted to visit but never had the opportunity to before (most of my childhood was spent in America, which I'm definitely not complaining about, but it's just the reason for that). I'm glad I've finally been able to ... Read the Post...
Easter Day Out Ideas in the North West
Whether you're a big family or a couple, there's no better time to go on a day trip than during the upcoming Easter weekend from Friday 14th-Monday 17th. So, little stuck for ideas? If you're based in the North West (like me) and after nature ... Read the Post...
Making Changes and Branching Out
I've been thinking a lot about my future lately, what this site could be as well and so on. In all honesty, I have spent pretty much all of my life to date doing what others thought was best for me. I took the occasional "risk" - an extra couple of ... Read the Post...
Signs of Spring at Jumbles Country Park, Bolton
It's getting closer and closer to my favourite season of the year now - Summer. The weather is still a little hit and miss, but the difference in general flora around is beautiful! March was a pretty busy month for me, I made one huge change and also ... Read the Post...
A Little Food Photography at Solita, Prestwich
The other evening I went for a meal at Solita's Prestwich restaurant, and it was a little too close to getting my new lens for me to not take it on a test drive. For a little foodie background - there are four Solita restaurants - and they all ... Read the Post...